Tuesday, March 25, 2008

(3) Service Learning Proposal

Idea:"Global warming" describes the rise in temperature of the earth's lower atmosphere due to the release of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. The impact of this greenhouse effect could be devastating.

Global warming causes ozone depletion, melting polar ice, and rising ocean levels.

Global Warming = Ozone Depletion

The ozone layer, which protects all life from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, is being destroyed by release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into the atmosphere. The widening holes in the ozone layer allow in more UV rays, which can cause skin cancers, cataracts, and immune system damage. UV rays are detrimental to pollination, seed production, and marine life food supplies as well.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

(2) Service idea


Get Well Soon Cards help hospitalized children feel less isolated and lonely.

When a seriously ill child remains hospitalized for months, family visits can become less frequent, particularly when the child is transferred to a specialized hospital far from the parents' home. These parents may have other children to care for, and jobs they must keep to maintain medical insurance or to pay uncovered medical bills.

As a result, children requiring long-term care may get most of their human contact during routine – and often impersonal – treatment from doctors and nurses. While these professionals help with the child's physical pain, there is usually little time to deal with the emotional pain of isolation, confusion, and homesickness.

Sending Get Well Soon Cards to hospitalized children is a wonderful way to help cheer them. This contact, and message of caring, can be the highlight of a hospitalized child's day.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

(1) Service learning

For service learning i would like to do elementary school tutoring again, i liked that and think it would be a great idea to do it for a second time. i hope the rules will be more specific this year because last year it was kind of unfair, for and example one rule was no jeans. although some students were able to attend their weekly trips i had to stay back several times because i wore denim pants, so i hope the rules are clear this year since we don't have to wear uniform any more. If elementary school tutoring is not available i would like to do a aids walk or a walk for a cure.

NHD reflection

Personally i really don't like NHD, basically we're the only school that does it. Adding to the bad things about NHD it always take up black history month, i mean i never went to a school where we never did any activity for black history month. i think the students in our school should feel some type of way that we are missing a major part of history in our curriculum. I guess i will just have to deal with it until we graduate. another thing that is concerning me is the things we need credit for like gym is not even mandatory but a two month project that we don't even need to have credits for is mandatory. even though this project was a pain in the neck i liked my project and it sorta kept me on task because if not i would have fell off track. some improvements i need for next year are responsible group members, a fun topic and try a different category.

Bloom's taxonomy

1. Knowledge: Describe what happened in the pool room?

In the pool room Gus, G.H., Jack and Bigger were talking about robbing Blum’s deli, Bigger told Gus he was afraid to rob Blum because he was white. They started fighting and Bigger made Gus lick his knife. When everyone left Bigger went home feeling guilty about the situation.

2. Comprehension: What was Richard Allen’s main idea about the rat in the house?

His main idea was to show the living conditions of blacks in the 1930’s and how they lived in poverty.

3. Application: Do you know another instance where black boys live I poverty?

Another instance where black boys live in poverty, is the Philadelphia projects. They live amongst rats, roaches, and pissy hallways.

4. Analysis: If Mary’s bones were never found what might the ending have been?

If Mary’s bones were never found, for one Bigger would not be on the run. Secondly he probably would not have been blamed for her disappearance or been killed for it. As a result he probably would have lived life not fearing the white man again.

5. Synthesis: Can you see a possible solution for Bigger killing Mary?

Well if I were Bigger I would have done two things. First I would of let Mrs. Dalton know I was in her presence when she walked in the room. Second I would have accepted the consequences and not run away. In the end things would have turned out better.

6. Evaluation: If you were Bidders mother how would you have handled your son’s death?

As Bigger’s mother I wouldn’t be able to deal with his death. First I would just be miserable and stuck on it, then I guess I would just remember all the good about him. Although the hurt would linger I would have to move on and accept that he was in a better place.

Playing White

Summary: Bigger walks to his house to the corner of his block to meet up with his gang. While he's waiting he runs into Gus and they began talking. While they were talking they looked up to the sky because they heard a sound, when they looked up they seen an airplane writing letters in the sky about gasoline. Bigger begin wondering what it would be like to fly a plane. But they knew it wasn't possible because they are African American and African American people can't do anything even if you got money. While they were thinking about this bigger asked Gus to play a game. Gus and Bigger began to play, as they were white, they played as the president and the general. After they were done playing they began to laugh and G.H and Jack walked up and they went in to the poolroom.
Analysis: I think Richard Wright put this scene in the book to let readers know what kind of life African Americans lived. He put the thoughts in readers mind that living where he lived and being the color he was that it ended up being a mistake because no matter what he say or do he will always be Bigger Thomas Big, Black and Mean

Wake up Chicago!

With no privacy, Bigger is immediately waken at his mother's first panic attack, as one unexpected guest gets the day started a little earlier. Screaming, Bigger's mother is hesitant about killing the rat and scaring her daughter, constantly taunting her all hours of the night. With this vivid picture in her mind, it was only a mother's depiction to ask Bigger to be " the savior, their nigth in shining armor." As the man of the house he deheaded the intruder (the rat).

Richard Wright sent a wake- up call to Chicago and all of the U.S. Warning them of the monster that they were creating, hopefully giving society time to make changes. Unfortunately, the damage had already taken place because Bigger was the man of the house he was expected to make the money even if it meant changing the tune of the alarm.

The fear inside

Summary -
Bigger and Gus entered the poolroom and it was empty. They were early and Jack or G.H. hadn't arrived yet so while they waited they started a game of pool. Bigger was playing very poorly because he was worrying about Blum's and the robbery, but he was really afraid of the whole thought. They continued to talk about their plan and thats when Jack and G.H. come in. Bigger hiding his fear tried to make himself feel better picked a fight with his Gus. Jack and G.H. ageed to rob Blum's but Gus was still thinking about it. Bigger got aggravated and started an arguement with Gus. While fighting Biger thought of stabbing him, kicking him, slapping him, and he even made Gus lick his knife. After teh fight they all agreed to their plan. By Bigger starting a fight with Gus that was a way to hide his fear and flip the script to make it seem as if Gus was scared. he hid his fear by acting tough and putting on a front for his friends. By doing that Gus was scrared of him and didn't know what he was capable of so he agreedto rob Old Blum's.

Analysis -
Richard Wright was trying to show us two things, the fear inside of Bigger and his fear of showing his friends and even his family who he was. Bigger putting on a front shows that his friends don't really know who he is and their wasn't no family bond between them. Maybe he is scared to show his friends who he really is and they would of took advantage of him because they would of thought he was tough anymore. By letting his guard down he wouldn't feel comfortable his himself. Alot of people hide their fears but some do it in other ways.